This Month Chef Curtiss joins Todd Moe to chat about a delicious Italian steak recipe.
ICYMI ... May | Carriage House on NCPR
In case you missed our May conversation with Todd Moe of North Country Public Radio yesterday, here it is.
Todd and I discussed some interesting things, in particular our shared appreciation of wild and forest foods and what some the first foraged foods foods of Spring in our area. Additionally I shared a delicious recipe for a simple egg and asparagus salad. The recipe is super quick and easy and makes weeknight meals a snap.
ICYMI ... April | Carriage House on NCPR
In case you missed our April conversation with Todd Moe of North Country Public Radio here it is.
Todd and I discussed the excitement around maple syrup, tapping season and the first foods of Spring. Additionally I shared a delicious recipe allowing maple syrup to showcase its versatility and true character.
For the recipe from this segment click here.
We are on North Country Public Radio the 1st Wednesday of each month at 8:20.
Sushi @ Home | Making The Case
More Classes Coming To The Mirror Lake Inn
We have mapped out the Spring and Summer series for classes at the Mirror Lake Inn.
I have embedded the classes in the calendar and feature them on both the Home page and the Mirror Lake Inn Classes page.
Spring & Summer Mirror Lake Inn Series
Maple Miso Chicken
with the sap running I thought I’d play with miso and maple syrup. The end result are these absolutely delicious maple miso chicken thighs.
Maple Miso Chicken Thighs
To be honest sap running wasn’t the only inspiration. I came across these miso products at Market 32 this afternoon and decided to try them out.
Red and White Miso Paste
I also found, for the first time on this side of Lake Champlain, an amazing mushroom flavored dark soy sauce.
Mushroom flavored dark soy sauce (Reese photo bombing).
I have used this in the past and have only seen it in larger formats. This little bottle is the perfect size for home use.
it is thicker than soy sauce and a little goes a long way. Well worth the investment and added bottle in the fridge!
I purchased skinless and boneless chicken thighs and cut them into smaller pieces. Chicken thighs are far more flavorful than chicken breasts so we have been trying to get them more.
Maple Miso Marinade
1 stick unsalted butter
2 tablespoons sweet white miso paste
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tablespoon garlic paste
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
3 tablespoons mushrooom soy sauce
I melted the butter in the microwave then added the remaining ingredients before mixing it up. I added the cut up chicken and mixed it well to coat
After a quick 30 minute marinade I placed them on a sheet tray and roasted them at 425F gas with convection on. In an electric oven without convection I’d roast them a 435F.
Time will vary on this based on your oven, space between the meat and the size of the pieces of chicken.
Thats it. Super simple. If you can get local chicken then it will be even better. I served mine with white jasmine rice and roasted asparagus, mushrooms and onions.
I hope you give these a try!
In Case You Missed It
This winter I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Todd Moe, weekday morning news host on North Country Public Radio. Since our introduction Todd and I have embarked on series of monthly discussions focused on local food, agriculture and of course good cooking.
Last week Todd and I discussed the hopeful arrival of spring, the reason CSA farms rely on early signups and some new found foods over int he Black River Valley of NY. I also shared a quick version of Cacio e Pepe, a classic pasta dish from Rome, Italy.
Our discussions air the first Wednesday of each month at about 8:20. In case you missed the last segment here it is below.
I hope you tune in next month for another great discussion. If you are in the food, agriculture or processing business here in the Adirondacks I would love to hear from you and learn about what you are doing!
You can reach me at
The Carriage House Cooking School on NCPR
Did you hear, we were on the radio. Today marked the addition of a new way to enjoy the Carriage House Cooking School.
The first Wednesday of each month we will join Todd Moe and Martha Foley of North Country Public Radio during their Eight O Clock Hour show. Today we kicked off our conversations
I am thrilled to have this opportunity present itself and to be able to seize it. Our monthly conversations will be focused on cooking, the food community in our region and the ways we share our food with the community.
Today we spent time discussing our goals for the school, local foods and a couple easy to do dishes from upcoming classes.
Click below to listen to today’s conversation.
A Sweeter Way With Seeet Corn
Fall is in the air and the harvest is being gathered from the fields now is the time to score some great bargains from our local farms.
For decades I cooked corn on the cob like most everyone else, pick it, shuck it and then boil it.
A few years ago there was a viral video of corn being microwaved inside of its husks (pure genius by the way). This video prompted me to think about the moisture in fresh corn, how corn transforms as it is cooked and what husky metrics make great sweetcorn. Corn, like many vegetables, has enough internal moisture to transform its tough starches into soft, accessible food that is easy to chew.
The microwave technique produces an amazing ear of corn; it offers soft, sweet kernels that easily release from the cob and the flavor is straight corn, it is not diluted or adulterated by the water, butter, added sugar or salt.
The critical failure of the microwave method is that only one or two ears may be cooked at a time. So the question I ask is how do you employ a method similar for the larger quantities of corn?
My solution is to bake the ears in a moderate oven. This allows the available moisture within the ear of corn to gelatinize the starches in the kernel, converting the starches, coaxing the sweet character of the corn.
Preheat your oven to 350F for about 20 minutes. Place corn cobs, in their husks, on a sheet tray in a single layer (feel free to add as many sheet trays as your oven can handle). Bake for 35 to 45 minutes depending on the size of the corn cobs. When your able to gently squeeze the cobs remove them from the oven and allow to cool slightly.
To serve slice the bottom stalk off the cob then split the top in two and pull down the best part of this is that the silks come right off with the husks, no loose strands to deal with or pick up after (genius). For a large party serve the cobs in theis husks, they will stay warm for at least 30 minutes and allows your guests to share in the work of cleaning the cobs.
The corn will also be great cold, as part of a salad, as a garnish to pasta, pizza or as just straight corn with butter.
I hope this method works for you as it is an amazingly efficient way to put up corn for the winter months.
Baked Corn On The Cob

It's National Pizza Day!!
The people spoke and the powers that be declared this day, Friday, February 9, National Pizza Pie Day 2018 in United States of America. And we all rejoiced.
In all seriousness I am happy foods get a day of reckoning. The website has a well curated list of national food observance day by month, be sure to check out and see if your favorite food is honored. declares that kids in the age group of 3-11 prefer pizza over any other food (I bet that age group could be extended with similar results).
Many cultures have a form of pizza, maybe not called by the name but they are there. So it makes sense that pizza is part of America's melting pot cuisine.
The California Pizza Kitchen was instrumental in bringing pizza into the food fusion world here in America.
We also cannot forget how Wolfgang Puck took a simple street food and made it the food of celebrities and the social elite.
For decades I made Wolfgang Puck's pizza dough at work and home. It wasn't until about five years ago where I began to experiment and play with various levels of hydration and flour types, along with different fermentation times.
Now I am thrilled to teach our Art of Pi class and share my experiences and love for a simple street food.
I think it is fitting for pizza to have its day and I hope people appreciate it for its role on our food culture and the time we share together as we share a slice.